BT Illustrations: "Rusty Dusty and Trusty"
BT Illustrations: Craig's Challenger
BT Illustrations: "Rodding in the Rain"
BT Illustrations: "Lawn Boys"
BT Illustrations: Ring Brothers "Dragon"
BT Illustrations: "Dinner at Rocky's" ( Bowtie Required )
BT Illustrations: "Jack's Riveria"
BT Illustrations: "From These Parts"
BT Illustrations: "Just Scrapin' By"
BT Illustrations: "Of Roosters-n-Rust"
BT Illustrations: "First Date"
BT Illustrations: "Split Window"
BT Illustrations: " A Bugs Leaf"
BT Illustrations: Greening T-Bird
BT Illustrations: Porsche 356
BT Illustrations: '69'er II
BT Illustrations: Robert Hight caricature
BT Illustrations: Chris' Chevelle
BT Illustrations: HRR 2014 Jason Graham
BT Illustrations: "Rise and Shine"
BT Illustrations: "Just Chilling"
BT Illustrations: "Almost Home"
BT Illustrations: "Out to Pasture"
BT Illustrations: "Rusty Row"
BT Illustrations: "Not So Pretty in Pink"
BT Illustrations: Brian's Camaro
BT Illustrations: Ron Capps' 2016 NAPA Funny car
BT Illustrations: Leah Pritchett's Quaker State Top Fuel Dragster
BT Illustrations: Brittany Force's Monster Energy Top Fuel Dragster
BT Illustrations: Doug Kalitta/Kalitta Motorsports MAC Tools Top Fuel Dragster