BTats: FanFest Weekend
BTats: Welcome
BTats: Carp greets the fans
BTats: Newest Mariner
BTats: Welcome to Seattle
BTats: Focused
BTats: Mike with mic
BTats: Mike Carp
BTats: Fielding a question
BTats: Brad Adam
BTats: Jesus and Brad
BTats: Jesus Montero
BTats: Jesus signs some autos
BTats: Rick and the skip
BTats: Radio guy Rick Rizzs
BTats: Giving the eyes
BTats: Skipper Eric Wedge
BTats: A little question
BTats: An older question
BTats: Mariner locker room
BTats: Smoak's "locker"
BTats: Dustin's "locker"
BTats: Z explains the plan
BTats: Jack Z
BTats: League and Carp autos