Bill Strong:
Leaving the ring
Bill Strong:
Ladies Pleasure Driving
Bill Strong:
The Unicorn
Bill Strong:
Cayenne Pepper
Bill Strong:
The Dog Catcher
Bill Strong:
Gypsies, tramps and thieves
Bill Strong:
Bill Strong:
Rounding the hazards
Bill Strong:
FSF combined driving
Bill Strong:
Pie and Sky
Bill Strong:
Gypsy Vanners
Bill Strong:
white hot chili pepper oob
Bill Strong:
Rolling Thunder
Bill Strong:
Bill Strong:
Percheron 6
Bill Strong:
Six Horse Hitch
Bill Strong:
Barrel Racing
Bill Strong:
Bill Strong:
Equus bling bling
Bill Strong:
4 Horse Hitch
Bill Strong:
Bill Strong:
Evergreen Hill Farm OOB
Bill Strong:
Entering the show ring
Bill Strong:
6 Horse Hitch
Bill Strong:
Heavy Horses
Bill Strong:
baby oob
Bill Strong:
Do not disturb
Bill Strong:
Vinny 1
Bill Strong:
Vinny 2
Bill Strong:
Man o' War