Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Nassar and the Pyramids of Gezeh
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Pyramid of King Menkawre - Sign
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Guarded Entrance - Pyramid of King Menkawre
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Getting by in Cairo
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Fishing on The Nile in front of new water intake screens - Cairo, Egypt
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo streets - 10
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Sultan Hassan and Rifai Mosque
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo streets - 12
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo streets - 14
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo streets - 13
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo Butcher Shop
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Pyramid Light Show 2
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Pyramid Light Show 1
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Rod El Farag Filtration Plant
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo streets - 15
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Sultan Hassan and Rifai Mosque
Brian Sprague Photography LLC: Cairo streets - 11