bsouthj: Old tools hanging in a lighthouse building
bsouthj: Batsto – in the sawmill
bsouthj: Wooden planes in Shaker workshop
bsouthj: Wooden planes in Shaker workshop
bsouthj: shaker woodworking shop
bsouthj: Shaving horse in Shaker workshop
bsouthj: Shaving horse at Middleton Place
bsouthj: Bodger's horse
bsouthj: Plantation craftsman working at shaving horse
bsouthj: Large wheel of lathe in woodworking shop at Middleton Place in South Carolina
bsouthj: Great wheel of wood lathe
bsouthj: Woodworking tools at Middleton Place
bsouthj: Wooden planes at Middleton Place
bsouthj: Wood working shop at Middleton Place
bsouthj: Corner of plantation woodworking shop
bsouthj: Batsto – sawmill water gate control
bsouthj: Batsto – wood planer in sawmill
bsouthj: Batsto – band saw
bsouthj: Batsto – gristmil gears
bsouthj: Old chainsaw