bsomberg: Heron on Lake Superior
bsomberg: I think I'll just nest here
bsomberg: Spreading dogbane
bsomberg: Cedar waxwing
bsomberg: Soaring
bsomberg: Great blue heron
bsomberg: Great blue heron
bsomberg: Fireweed
bsomberg: Driftwood
bsomberg: Soaring and sailing
bsomberg: Pastel sunset on Lake Superior
bsomberg: Mother and child
bsomberg: Monarch butterfly and caterpillar
bsomberg: DSC_9900
bsomberg: Skipping stones on Lake Superior
bsomberg: Lesser yellowleg
bsomberg: DSC_0181
bsomberg: I wonder...
bsomberg: Gulls over Lake Superior
bsomberg: Nashville warbler
bsomberg: White-throated sparrow
bsomberg: Cedar waxwing
bsomberg: Northern flicker
bsomberg: DSC_0214
bsomberg: Lesser yellowleg
bsomberg: Found on the beach
bsomberg: Canadian goose
bsomberg: Dew on a daisy
bsomberg: Watching the sunrise over Lake Superior
bsomberg: DSC_1007