bsimser: Buses, buses, but where are they going?
bsimser: Brad understands... or does he?
bsimser: Welcome MVPs
bsimser: The Microsoft City
bsimser: Still in Theatres... but on TV
bsimser: Crowne Plaza Sleep Drugs
bsimser: The infamous Sony "Dream Machine"
bsimser: Boring Hotel Room Photo #1
bsimser: Boring Hotel Room Photo #2
bsimser: Close call
bsimser: Distant Mountains
bsimser: Seattle Harbour
bsimser: Props?
bsimser: Untitled
bsimser: Untitled
bsimser: Untitled
bsimser: Calgary Airport
bsimser: Row, row, row, your boat
bsimser: It's just a crazy old time
bsimser: When MVPs drink alchohol
bsimser: This is a camera, I know this.
bsimser: Say "Open Source"
bsimser: Are you sure that's water?
bsimser: The content, the happy, and the cut-off MVPs
bsimser: No Dijon please, we're British.
bsimser: Relaxing with the Girls
bsimser: I'm baaaaaack
bsimser: Now THAT'S a shower
bsimser: Check out my new hat!
bsimser: Spot the Fitz