bsii: Amazon Bangalore (among other things)
bsii: Amazon Bangalore (among other things)
bsii: Inside of Amazon/A9 Bangalore.
bsii: The Amazon/A9 Bangalore ping-pong room.
bsii: The Amazon/A9 Bangalore ping-pong room.
bsii: Partial view from Amazon Bangalore.
bsii: Random Bangalore.
bsii: Random Bangalore.
bsii: Bangalore's sidewalks have holes in them!
bsii: Bangalore's sidewalks have holes in them!
bsii: The Bangalore Public Library
bsii: Views from the Bangalore Botanical Gardens.
bsii: Views from the Bangalore Botanical Gardens.
bsii: The ubiquitous Kingfisher.
bsii: The remnants of my first meal (and first Thali) in India
bsii: Our room at Hotel Empire International
bsii: Inside of a Barista coffee shop
bsii: Random cool building in Bangalore.
bsii: "Mince streak."
bsii: Road accident cases particulars.
bsii: Okay, now imagine a non-stop stream of traffic like this, and then try to cross the street.
bsii: Spirited Coffee!