bsii: Obligatory "I went to Pike Street Market" shot.
bsii: I'm a sucker for layering.
bsii: Pike Street Market map.
bsii: This building was really unnerving.
bsii: Basic Seattle Public Library shots.
bsii: Basic Seattle Public Library shots.
bsii: Basic Seattle Public Library shots.
bsii: Basic Seattle Public Library shots.
bsii: Seattle Public Library: Top to bottom.
bsii: Seattle Public Library: Layering and strange depth galore!
bsii: Basic Seattle Public Library shots.
bsii: Seattle Public Library: Spiraling shelves.
bsii: Seattle Public Library: The "red floor," before entiring.
bsii: Seattle City Hall and some other government buildings.
bsii: Seattle's Mexican Restaurant: What, this is the one?
bsii: Backwards Bush clock.
bsii: Part of Matt's in the Market's hot sauce collection.
bsii: Matt's in the Market's hot sauce champion: Lotte's
bsii: The Fin Whale tank?
bsii: The Salmon run up the side of the aquarium.
bsii: Jelly-go-round!
bsii: Incredibly alien.
bsii: Sea horses!
bsii: Hang on tighter!
bsii: One crazy looking fish.
bsii: Otters!
bsii: Awesome: a wine/champagne chiller in a grocery store.
bsii: Bush the button: "worry"
bsii: Hotel Max's spiritual menu, and the Seattle Federal Courthouse's courtyard.
bsii: Obligatory "I saw the Space Needle" shot (in San Francisco, apparently)