bsii: What appeared from the train to be a palace.
bsii: Overpass construction?
bsii: 1/65 orange stands.
bsii: Casa Voyageurs
bsii: Rick broke into the bread that was supposed to be the next morning's breakfast a little early.
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Inside the Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Inside the Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Looking through a glass floor at the Hamam
bsii: Large titanium doors.
bsii: A closeup of the titanium door.
bsii: IMG_6096.JPG
bsii: Some rustproof metal in the hamam.
bsii: Lighthouse!
bsii: IMG_6115.JPG
bsii: IMG_6125.JPG
bsii: IMG_6126.JPG
bsii: IMG_6129.JPG
bsii: One of Morocco's two national beers.
bsii: A fairly authentic (read: crappy) Moroccan bar near Casa Voyaguers.
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Hassan II Mosque
bsii: Hassan II Mosque