bsii: Thanks to looking at the logo all day, it never occurred to me that that was an arrow, and not just part of the logo.
bsii: IMG_3847.JPG
bsii: IMG_3850.JPG
bsii: IMG_3853.JPG
bsii: IMG_3856.JPG
bsii: Vegas is fake skies.
bsii: IMG_3861.JPG
bsii: My brother is in the reflection.
bsii: IMG_3879.JPG
bsii: IMG_3881.JPG
bsii: IMG_3884.JPG
bsii: IMG_3885.JPG
bsii: IMG_3891.JPG
bsii: IMG_3895.JPG
bsii: IMG_3896.JPG
bsii: Metroids!
bsii: IMG_3901.JPG
bsii: IMG_3905.JPG
bsii: IMG_3908.JPG
bsii: IMG_3909.JPG
bsii: IMG_3914.JPG
bsii: What my brother got on his last trip to the buffet counter.
bsii: Bacon sushi ha ha my brother's so funny.
bsii: My brother eating his bacon sushi.
bsii: Lazy Lion
bsii: I include this picture because my brother is it, and he was trying to avoid having his picture taken.
bsii: Lions at MGM.
bsii: Hahaha.
bsii: Much silliness.
bsii: Star Trek: The Experience gets higher billing than Manilow?