bs05442: PB250209_bs rubs the meat_4x5
bs05442: PB250217_pan of bacon_4x5
bs05442: PB250218_trial scallops_4x5
bs05442: PB260224_brisket goes on_5x7
bs05442: PB260235_dolli meets the lobster_5x7
bs05442: PB260244_green milk_4x5
bs05442: PB260229_bs pulls brisket
bs05442: PB270252_bz baking_4x5
bs05442: PB270254_breakfast bacon_5x7
bs05442: PB270258_fs kills lobsters_4x5
bs05442: PB270261_waffles and lobster_4x5
bs05442: PB270266_guin at stove_4x5
bs05442: PB270272_ivan makes drink_4x5
bs05442: PB270274_sh paige ice cream
bs05442: PB270277_jb anand pie_4x5
bs05442: PB270279_sh cuts cheese_4x5
bs05442: PB270285_peanuts crappy dinner_5x7
bs05442: PB270297_fs fills fryer_4x5
bs05442: PB270302_starting the fryer_4x5
bs05442: PB270315_music on the porch_5x7
bs05442: PB270317_fs stuffs shells_4x5
bs05442: PB270305_bs injects turkey
bs05442: PB270320_bs lowers bird_4x5
bs05442: PB270328_turkey is done
bs05442: PB270335_sh paige scallops
bs05442: PB270338_scallop closeup_5x7
bs05442: PB270341_mac n cheese closeup_5x7
bs05442: PB270347_brisket and turkey_5x7
bs05442: PB270346_fs plate_5x7
bs05442: PB270352_reubens ambitious plate_4x5