Brianz: Graham
Brianz: Oakley
Brianz: Oakley and Graham, day 1 @ home
Brianz: First trip to the pediatrician
Brianz: Oakley and Graham
Brianz: Oakster...pissed
Brianz: Oakley's foot
Brianz: Oakster
Brianz: Me and G
Brianz: After their stroller ride
Brianz: Ready for the office
Brianz: Three month birthday today!
Brianz: Happy wednesday.
Brianz: Happy Valentines day!
Brianz: There shouldn't be any mistaking them in this one.
Brianz: Watch your fingers around this guy.
Brianz: Morning snugglefest
Brianz: Still small, but so much bigger than four months ago.
Brianz: Oakley
Brianz: So hard to leave in the morning with these two guys looking at me.