Brianz: Felix gets his gear from his shopping bag
Brianz: Mile 5...feeling great!
Brianz: Felix opens a gap and makes me work
Brianz: One of many self-portraits (as Felix rides away)
Brianz: Mile 12...feeling good!
Brianz: Hands free self-portrait while riding (very safe)
Brianz: We're lucky to live in the Bay Area
Brianz: Top of a climb, feeling OK.
Brianz: Other riders sucking Felix's dust
Brianz: Me in front with Felix leading the quickly approaching peloton
Brianz: Lunch...feeling great!
Brianz: Chips and brie
Brianz: The ubiquitous biker mark
Brianz: Kerry being fabulous at the top of the toughest climb
Brianz: Mile 40 and the top of the toughest climb...
Brianz: ...feeling like hell
Brianz: I made Felix take some salt tablets
Brianz: Mercy stop and chaos
Brianz: Yes, please do
Brianz: I really took this so I'd have a picture of me taking a picture
Brianz: Nearing the final rest stop
Brianz: A true athlete
Brianz: Oh, don't worry...we're going slow
Brianz: Susan fuels up
Brianz: The TNT girls
Brianz: Felix and I suck in our guts for the photo
Brianz: Caution: Wide Load
Brianz: Salvation! (Pizza)
Brianz: I haven't had a squirt in a while
Brianz: Uhhhhhh....