brytness: cloudy at the peak
brytness: another morning view
brytness: Star Ferry time
brytness: on the Star Ferry
brytness: Chinese rice wine
brytness: Filipino guest workers on Sunday
brytness: tree vs. man
brytness: by St. John's
brytness: tropical
brytness: looking into the distance
brytness: St. John's
brytness: walking into the park
brytness: love these trees
brytness: lake in the park
brytness: tea and desserts
brytness: chin player
brytness: watching the performance
brytness: urban landscape
brytness: turning a corner on the tram
brytness: multiple lanes
brytness: under the bridge
brytness: traffic patterns
brytness: Stanley, Hong Kong
brytness: Stanley
brytness: tree at Stanley
brytness: quiet beach day
brytness: quaint day
brytness: Stanley
brytness: interesting cemetery
brytness: ate our Indonesian food too fast for me to take a photo - delish