brytness: funny nose
brytness: here comes the shinkansen
brytness: my tea is cute
brytness: arm rest in the shinkansen
brytness: lots of info in the shinkansen
brytness: umbrellas for sale in the subway
brytness: Tonkatsu vessels
brytness: does this place serve crabs?
brytness: waiting for the event to begin
brytness: lifting the shrine
brytness: the moving shrine is moving
brytness: Celebration
brytness: Celebration
brytness: cute logo
brytness: DSC00420
brytness: Nijo Castle gate
brytness: Detail
brytness: DSC00423
brytness: DSC00424
brytness: DSC00425
brytness: DSC00428
brytness: DSC00429
brytness: Beer vending machines
brytness: IMG_1804
brytness: IMG_1805
brytness: Some Engrish in Kyoto
brytness: Nijo Castle entrance
brytness: detail
brytness: more roofs in Nijo Castle