brytness: High Line
brytness: DJ Passive
brytness: DJ Passive
brytness: Ted at the bar
brytness: after removing the tape
brytness: when you need to make a better Father's Day card
brytness: Adjoa and I painted bowls
brytness: our finished bowls
brytness: glowing tree in Astoria
brytness: Yankee Stadium
brytness: Whiskey tasting at Astor Place
brytness: 20140708_135557
brytness: don't lose your chair
brytness: That 'a way
brytness: bridge scene I liked
brytness: beach time
brytness: at the beach!
brytness: kite boarding at Rockaway
brytness: puns...
brytness: only Monday
brytness: Verboten
brytness: disco ball
brytness: early morning...
brytness: sunrise
brytness: can't get enough of this view
brytness: the ol' office
brytness: East Village mosaics
brytness: favorite beer from South Africa
brytness: mask I made in high school
brytness: one last run in Central Park