brytness: eagerly awaiting food
brytness: lining up to be fed
brytness: Sally gets in front
brytness: reaching out
brytness: chomping down on lunch
brytness: Tim and ellie
brytness: wonderful face
brytness: Jess with an ellie
brytness: showing control
brytness: the trunks have so much expression!
brytness: ready to play
brytness: "I got your nose!"
brytness: play by play
brytness: resolution?
brytness: not quite yet!
brytness: no one seems to mind
brytness: on the horizon
brytness: baby ellie
brytness: a walk-by
brytness: waving ears
brytness: dainty
brytness: trunk and legs
brytness: petting elephants
brytness: elephants like to eat
brytness: tree//ellie
brytness: fooooood
brytness: IMG_6770
brytness: who's boss?
brytness: feeling the back of the elephant's ear
brytness: wrapping his trunk