brytness: IMG_0204
brytness: now with hat
brytness: hanging out in a booth
brytness: Happy New Year!
brytness: IMG_0208
brytness: Tim DJing
brytness: dancing
brytness: Jess and Justina
brytness: Justina's view
brytness: now with beads
brytness: pre-emptively new years
brytness: Justina and Nicole
brytness: party favors
brytness: hanging out with Tim
brytness: Tim and Jess
brytness: Pierre and Tim
brytness: debating... something
brytness: Asuka and Pierre
brytness: Jeff takes over for a bit
brytness: setting up his hip hop set
brytness: kisses!
brytness: Justina and Tim
brytness: Serge backs up for Jeff
brytness: at the bar
brytness: dancing
brytness: classy!
brytness: Tim and Justina
brytness: Asuka dances to Jeff's music
brytness: dancing and mingling
brytness: helping out