brytness: waiting for the N4
brytness: around Farragut North
brytness: walking down 17th toward the Mall
brytness: IMG_0557
brytness: IMG_0560
brytness: IMG_0564
brytness: IMG_0567
brytness: intersection of people
brytness: IMG_0570
brytness: birds
brytness: IMG_0573
brytness: down 17th, toward the Mall
brytness: IMG_0576
brytness: birds on ice
brytness: toward the Mall
brytness: nice seat
brytness: IMG_0582
brytness: IMG_0583
brytness: IMG_0585
brytness: IMG_0586
brytness: at the Washington Monument
brytness: less scary
brytness: a small concentration of people... for now
brytness: IMG_0591
brytness: morning of Inauguration
brytness: IMG_0593
brytness: peace
brytness: IMG_0595
brytness: IMG_0596
brytness: IMG_0597