brytness: the fourth roommate, Diane
brytness: balled up
brytness: watch cat
brytness: focus
brytness: she knows she's cute
brytness: gnawing
brytness: reach
brytness: break
brytness: gaze
brytness: scrunch up
brytness: delicate
brytness: patience
brytness: almost!
brytness: texture
brytness: hark!
brytness: you again?
brytness: aerial view
brytness: what's that?
brytness: in the hole
brytness: stares
brytness: sllhouette
brytness: watchful
brytness: the vampire comes out
brytness: stunned
brytness: IMG_9595
brytness: "do I blend in?"
brytness: "I'm going to get you!"
brytness: Blockade
brytness: stare
brytness: Diane and the cranberry