brytness: orientation vantage point on Day 2
brytness: Haifa Bay
brytness: the terrace (that we cannot walk down)
brytness: Haifa port
brytness: Gardens and Haifa Bay
brytness: zoom of Gardens and Shrine
brytness: looking down into the gardens
brytness: Eucalyptus tree
brytness: cat in Baha'i Gardens
brytness: well-kept trees
brytness: some more of the lands
brytness: flowers and trees
brytness: awesome tree
brytness: approaching the shrine
brytness: Shrine of the Bab
brytness: overlooking the garden
brytness: windows
brytness: modern buildings
brytness: cables and windows
brytness: stone buildings
brytness: some of the 19 terraces
brytness: another angle of Shrine
brytness: German Colony buildings
brytness: nice grain elevator
brytness: downtown Haifa
brytness: more Haifa buildings
brytness: IMG_7703
brytness: all the buildings on the mountain
brytness: IMG_7709
brytness: multiple levels of the aqueduct