bryankennedy: Rain flows down hill
bryankennedy: Rain Table
bryankennedy: Raining lava
bryankennedy: Playing with the Rain Table
bryankennedy: Pat and Eric Jolly at the Rain Table
bryankennedy: guts
bryankennedy: Our secret lab
bryankennedy: By the backlight glow
bryankennedy: Raining on Hilo, Hawaii
bryankennedy: Ed and Khairi
bryankennedy: Omega table prototype
bryankennedy: out of range
bryankennedy: Prototyping the touch table
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit
bryankennedy: Rain Table in the Water exhibit