The Pixel and Eye: Blue Tit on Branch.
The Pixel and Eye: Female Chaffinch
The Pixel and Eye: Wings of the Robin.
The Pixel and Eye: Leaving the perch.
The Pixel and Eye: Taking off.
The Pixel and Eye: Portrait of a Robin
The Pixel and Eye: Ready to fly.
The Pixel and Eye: Grey Squirrel
The Pixel and Eye: Ready for winter?
The Pixel and Eye: Spreading the wings.
The Pixel and Eye: No Photographs Please!
The Pixel and Eye: Male Chaffinch
The Pixel and Eye: Hands up!
The Pixel and Eye: Spread 'em!
The Pixel and Eye: Ghostly Robin.
The Pixel and Eye: Take off.
The Pixel and Eye: Parkland Reflection.
The Pixel and Eye: Red Admiral
The Pixel and Eye: Red Admiral
The Pixel and Eye: Water & Ice
The Pixel and Eye: Handcuffed squirrel.
The Pixel and Eye: Dirty Face
The Pixel and Eye: Feeding squirrel