bryan.dawson: [Week 13] Of course they all die in the end...
bryan.dawson: Now I have to kill myself
bryan.dawson: Crap, this didn't work out like I planned.
bryan.dawson: Last embrace
bryan.dawson: "Everything will be okay"
bryan.dawson: And this is how I stabbed him to death...
bryan.dawson: Belting it out
bryan.dawson: Let me just take that pardon out of your dead hands ..
bryan.dawson: Crap ... I probably shouldn't have done that.
bryan.dawson: You knew the bad guy had to die
bryan.dawson: Crazy eyes
bryan.dawson: Belting out that solo
bryan.dawson: Me, my shadow, and I
bryan.dawson: Giving his heroic speech
bryan.dawson: "I'm here now"
bryan.dawson: Wide-angle
bryan.dawson: This guy had some good glares
bryan.dawson: Get over here lacky...
bryan.dawson: "He cheated on me?"
bryan.dawson: Crazy angle
bryan.dawson: ... for the last time...
bryan.dawson: You failed me ...
bryan.dawson: Enter the villians
bryan.dawson: Helping the escaped hero
bryan.dawson: Stage kiss.
bryan.dawson: Embrace
bryan.dawson: Hum... you are looking good...
bryan.dawson: Faint me watching...