arna35: Trahison des ombres #1
arna35: Trahison des ombres #2
arna35: Trahison des ombres #3
arna35: Week 4/52 (candidate) : From my guitar collection
arna35: Week 4/52 : Collection of points (Point based rendering in VR)
arna35: Week 6/52 - Reflection of boat in an harbor
arna35: Reflections in trouble water
arna35: St-Malo
arna35: Pepper Black Splash
arna35: Architectural abstract candidate #3
arna35: Architectural abstract candidate #1
arna35: natural
arna35: week 35/52 - Beauty In Everyday Items: With color
arna35: With milk #2
arna35: With milk #1
arna35: Week 43/52- Black Background: Pepper Splash
arna35: Week 45/52: Uniform white splash
arna35: Week 52/52 - what we do is festive : turn around
arna35: Brocéliande