brunettegirl_7: No swimming in the ocean for us. (sad face)
brunettegirl_7: Melissa and I in our HOT stinger suits for scuba on the Great Barrier Reef
brunettegirl_7: Sheraton hotel pool - amazing!
brunettegirl_7: Sheraton Hotel in Port Douglas - thanks Will for the points!
brunettegirl_7: Port Douglas' 4-mile beach
brunettegirl_7: more balls
brunettegirl_7: Crabby sand balls (v. weird)
brunettegirl_7: Mr. Crab at work
brunettegirl_7: Port Douglas, Australia (v. cute)
brunettegirl_7: I'm an aboriginal art owner! yay!
brunettegirl_7: Melissa and Will
brunettegirl_7: I petted and fed this little sucker until he got sick of me.
brunettegirl_7: I held a koala! So cute!
brunettegirl_7: Mr. Wombat's sleepy
brunettegirl_7: Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane rocked! 130 koalas all within my reach.
brunettegirl_7: Koala's arn't really "bears" they're marsupials!
brunettegirl_7: Koalas have 2 thumbs on each hand...claw, you know what I mean.
brunettegirl_7: Darling Harbour, Australia
brunettegirl_7: Sydney Tower
brunettegirl_7: Sydney Harbour Bridge
brunettegirl_7: Surfer at Manly Beach
brunettegirl_7: Manly Beach, Australia (too bad no one could go into the water due to stingers - boo)
brunettegirl_7: Manly Promenade
brunettegirl_7: Sydney Opera House