Team Cthulhu: Young John Howe trackstanding
Team Cthulhu: Hangin at Madrona Hill Cafe
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0352.JPG
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0358.JPG
Team Cthulhu: St. Eddy
Team Cthulhu: somewhere on Hwy 43
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0305.JPG
Team Cthulhu: Beautiful day...but the wind hadn't started.
Team Cthulhu: We waited 10 mins for them to open...
Team Cthulhu: echelon
Team Cthulhu: Reminds me of Florida
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0307.JPG
Team Cthulhu: If you like this, check out...
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0374.JPG
Team Cthulhu: Andrew and Matt...
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0311.JPG
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0365.JPG
Team Cthulhu: It really was that green!
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0357.JPG
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0301.JPG
Team Cthulhu: DSCN0302.JPG
Team Cthulhu: #4=YUM!!!
Team Cthulhu: Tiah savors her sandwich
Team Cthulhu: Tiah checks her new fancy schmancy cycling shoes
Team Cthulhu: Tony Pereira
Team Cthulhu: I can see you!
Team Cthulhu: group shot by John's friend
Team Cthulhu: J-Grock reassures Chuck