Team Cthulhu: another sunny day
Team Cthulhu: johnny and his ciocc
Team Cthulhu: johnny enjoying the sunshine
Team Cthulhu: off to the next pickup
Team Cthulhu: he loves ireland
Team Cthulhu: johnny "fever"
Team Cthulhu: johnnys ciocc
Team Cthulhu: kelsey
Team Cthulhu: one last p/u
Team Cthulhu: but its 5:30, man
Team Cthulhu: see ya suckas
Team Cthulhu: victors tats
Team Cthulhu: 3D Buddha
Team Cthulhu: molly workin hard
Team Cthulhu: molly bustin in
Team Cthulhu: victor carbo loading
Team Cthulhu: the anti-spoke card spoke card
Team Cthulhu: DSC_0181
Team Cthulhu: GH in Seattle
Team Cthulhu: Yeah boy!
Team Cthulhu: Rachel chillin
Team Cthulhu: DSC_0168
Team Cthulhu: DSC_0178
Team Cthulhu: Seth givin me the biz
Team Cthulhu: DSC_0163