Bill Ruhsam: Good Photo #1
Bill Ruhsam: Acceptable Photo #2
Bill Ruhsam: Focus Crap
Bill Ruhsam: Focus Good
Bill Ruhsam: Depth of Field FML
Bill Ruhsam: Serendipity
Bill Ruhsam: Conga Line
Bill Ruhsam: Concert Goer
Bill Ruhsam: Dance!
Bill Ruhsam: Sephora Boswick
Bill Ruhsam: Dimitri von Stadberg
Bill Ruhsam: Aelus von Stadberg
Bill Ruhsam: Sephora Boswick
Bill Ruhsam: Concert Goer
Bill Ruhsam: Jenn
Bill Ruhsam: Jane the Bass
Bill Ruhsam: Jaime and Keith