Bruce Stokes:
Off in the fog
Bruce Stokes:
Bruce Stokes:
Just arriving
Bruce Stokes:
Staffa arrives
Bruce Stokes:
Looking hilly
Bruce Stokes:
Bruce Stokes:
Tethered up
Bruce Stokes:
Staffa coast columns
Bruce Stokes:
into the gully
Bruce Stokes:
Walking along the columns
Bruce Stokes:
Enter Staffa
Bruce Stokes:
Staffa cave
Bruce Stokes:
The good luck seat
Bruce Stokes:
Inside the cave
Bruce Stokes:
Bruce Stokes:
Look what the sea weed
Bruce Stokes:
Boat entrance
Bruce Stokes:
I'll get the bill
Bruce Stokes:
Shag colony
Bruce Stokes:
View from top Staffa
Bruce Stokes:
Seal harbour
Bruce Stokes:
Newborn seal
Bruce Stokes:
Seal baby
Bruce Stokes:
Mum and Mum to be
Bruce Stokes:
Seal Bay
Bruce Stokes:
Heads up
Bruce Stokes:
Staffa and it's caves
Bruce Stokes:
Flagging Staffa
Bruce Stokes:
View back to Iona
Bruce Stokes:
Craggy Islands