Bruce Stokes: IRT04-1 Good Morning
Bruce Stokes: IRT04-2 Game of tennis anyone
Bruce Stokes: IRT04-3 Eurocamp
Bruce Stokes: Empty pool for once
Bruce Stokes: IRT04-4 Sorrel's road movie
Bruce Stokes: Visso Archway
Bruce Stokes: Visso Church
Bruce Stokes: Rollerskating TARDIS
Bruce Stokes: IRT04-5 Mount Sibillini
Bruce Stokes: First view of the valley
Bruce Stokes: Sibillini flowers
Bruce Stokes: Great views from the road
Bruce Stokes: Just a small part of the valley
Bruce Stokes: Sillibilli photosphere
Bruce Stokes: Castelluccio standing out on it's own
Bruce Stokes: Just some of the many rare flowers
Bruce Stokes: Minature cars
Bruce Stokes: Little town on the prairie
Bruce Stokes: Castelluccio
Bruce Stokes: IRT04-6 Castelluccio
Bruce Stokes: Float like a butterfly
Bruce Stokes: Photocopy
Bruce Stokes: Castelluccio town and graffiti
Bruce Stokes: View from the town
Bruce Stokes: Castelluccio photosphere
Bruce Stokes: Cutting through the hills to visit Norcia
Bruce Stokes: Boar salesmen
Bruce Stokes: Boaring shot
Bruce Stokes: A typical Norcia shop
Bruce Stokes: Soldier