brucetopher: Attempted Steal, but...
brucetopher: Caught Stealing
brucetopher: Base Hit (SK)
brucetopher: SAFE on a Good Jump (ML)
brucetopher: Stealing 2nd (MC)
brucetopher: Post-Game Meeting
brucetopher: Game Over - Win!
brucetopher: Run-Down Play Scores a Run
brucetopher: The Bullpen
brucetopher: The Bullpen
brucetopher: Nauset vs Hingham (V)
brucetopher: More to this Bunt
brucetopher: Nauset vs Hingham (V)
brucetopher: Celebration!
brucetopher: Nauset vs Hingham (V)
brucetopher: Nauset vs Hingham (V)
brucetopher: Nauset vs Hingham (V)
brucetopher: Nauset @ Marshfield
brucetopher: Nauset @ Marshfield
brucetopher: Nauset @ Marshfield
brucetopher: JV Players Supporting Varsity
brucetopher: Nauset @ Marshfield
brucetopher: Nauset @ Marshfield
brucetopher: A Nest with a Great View
brucetopher: Safe, I think...
brucetopher: A Baseball Lovin' Pair of Osprey
brucetopher: Spin It!
brucetopher: Eldredge Park