brucetopher: Spiders on the Beach? (Wolf Spider)
brucetopher: Orchard Orb Weaver Spider
brucetopher: Constellation
brucetopher: Orb Weaver and Me!
brucetopher: Cellar Spider (Most likely NOT a Brown Recluse!)
brucetopher: Cellar Spider (Most likely NOT a Brown Recluse!)
brucetopher: Dune Hopper
brucetopher: Well Camouflaged Wolf Spider
brucetopher: Woodlouse Hunter Spider
brucetopher: Possibly a "Burrowing Wolf Spider" at Lighthouse Beach, Chatham
brucetopher: Possibly a "Burrowing Wolf Spider" at Lighthouse Beach, Chatham
brucetopher: Beach Spider - Cape Cod
brucetopher: One Less Mosquito!
brucetopher: Orchard Orb Weaver Spider
brucetopher: Night Web
brucetopher: The Web of the Starbellied Orbweaver
brucetopher: Starbellied Orb Weaver - with silk patch
brucetopher: Starbellied Orb Weaver
brucetopher: Starbellied Orb Weaver (and his dinner?)
brucetopher: Orb Weaver - Web Repair
brucetopher: Orb Weaver - Web Repair
brucetopher: Orb Weaver - Web Repair
brucetopher: Fascination
brucetopher: Orb Weaver - Web Repair
brucetopher: Long Legs on Locust
brucetopher: Tiny Acrobat
brucetopher: Pointy Spider on a Pumkin
brucetopher: An Unrestful Lair
brucetopher: Caught in the Flash
brucetopher: Winter Spider