brucetopher: Can you find the Plover? What about the Chick?
brucetopher: Piping Plover
brucetopher: Piping Plover Chick
brucetopher: Piping Plover Chick
brucetopher: Piping Plover
brucetopher: Piping Plover
brucetopher: Piping Plover "Piping" as her Chick Nestles Underneath
brucetopher: Piping Plover Chick at it's Protected Nest
brucetopher: Piping Plover Chick
brucetopher: Piping Plover and Her Chick
brucetopher: Piping Plover and Her Chick
brucetopher: Piping Plover and Her Chick
brucetopher: Piping Plover Mom "Piping" with her Chick Tucked under her Wing
brucetopher: Piping Plover Chick