brucesflickr: 9293ae23793d256f89980c08f3f8dfc7
brucesflickr: Symphonic Concert
brucesflickr: Manned air flight
brucesflickr: a8023e049d7a8a8ace2477dc783622ba
brucesflickr: Paklace of the Non-Resident Italians
brucesflickr: 427b8c427d3a619f325992d20d7a32b7
brucesflickr: Typical corporate ads
brucesflickr: Hymn and popular march
brucesflickr: Hungarian pavilion
brucesflickr: The Serbian Pavilion
brucesflickr: Industrial transportation
brucesflickr: Esposizione internazionale dell'industria e del lavoro di Torino
brucesflickr: The Hungarians had an effect
brucesflickr: The Ministry of State Railways
brucesflickr: Brotherhood of labor
brucesflickr: The Chinese Pagoda and Indochinese Theater
brucesflickr: The Grand Monumental Bridge
brucesflickr: Noted Turinese author/journalist describes the host city
brucesflickr: The Gallery of Machines In Action
brucesflickr: Millenovecentoundici
brucesflickr: The School, the Mosque, the Salon of Spectacles
brucesflickr: The Hungarian Pavilion
brucesflickr: The Palace of Industrial Manufacturers
brucesflickr: The Grand Plaza in Honor of Offshored Italians and Their Industries
brucesflickr: The Palace of the nation of Argentina
brucesflickr: Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua...
brucesflickr: The Fashion Pavilion
brucesflickr: Some of the sculptors and decorators
brucesflickr: The National Pavilion