Robertson the Bruce: water.mill.bayeux.france
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux.gargoyle.a.jpg
Robertson the Bruce: the greeter
Robertson the Bruce: baeux.beckett.a
Robertson the Bruce: murder in the cathedral
Robertson the Bruce: Europe Trip 044
Robertson the Bruce: Europe Trip 040_crop
Robertson the Bruce: Europe Trip 047a
Robertson the Bruce:
Robertson the Bruce: small.chapel.bayeux.cathedral
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux.west.window
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux.cathedral.nave
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux.altar
Robertson the Bruce: bayeaux.ceiling
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux.street
Robertson the Bruce: bayeaux.back
Robertson the Bruce: west.front.detail
Robertson the Bruce: this must be hell...?
Robertson the Bruce: popes-in-a-row
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux cathedral west door
Robertson the Bruce: bayeux cathedral