BruceLorenz: IMG_6034TobCBWP
BruceLorenz: Hands of Love
BruceLorenz: IMG_5913cshpSGV
BruceLorenz: Tickle me Avery
BruceLorenz: Curlicues for the cutie pie!
BruceLorenz: A lover of life! (But hold my hand tight, Pop,Pop,Pop).
BruceLorenz: A joyful noise!
BruceLorenz: Bubbles
BruceLorenz: Trying! Tasting?
BruceLorenz: The three amigas!
BruceLorenz: My turtle. Stop looking at it.
BruceLorenz: You're glowing!
BruceLorenz: Delicately!
BruceLorenz: Below the maddening crowd...