Wambo Jambo:
Turtle at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
Wambo Jambo:
Male and Female Northern Shovelers
Wambo Jambo:
Male Northern Shoveler
Wambo Jambo:
Nisqually Goose on the Move
Wambo Jambo:
Niqually Goose
Wambo Jambo:
Great Blue Heron on the Hunt
Wambo Jambo:
View of One of the Barns Returning from the Boardwalk
Wambo Jambo:
Twin Barns of Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
Wambo Jambo:
Twin Barns of Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
Wambo Jambo:
Landscape of Niqually Wildlife Refuge 2
Wambo Jambo:
Twin Barns of Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
Wambo Jambo:
Landscape of Niqually Wildlife Refuge
Wambo Jambo:
Geese on the Ground and in the Air
Wambo Jambo:
Geese of Nisqually Wildlife Refuge
Wambo Jambo:
Geese of Nisqually Wildlife Refuge