professional recreationalist: You know you're an asshole motorist when...
professional recreationalist: You know you're an asshole motorist when...
professional recreationalist: You know you're an asshole motorist when...
professional recreationalist: You know you're an asshole motorist when...
professional recreationalist: Bus Obstructs Cyclists and View of Merging Cyclists
professional recreationalist: Victoria #biketoria Pandora Protected Bike Lane
professional recreationalist: Victoria #biketoria Pandora Protected Bike Lane
professional recreationalist: Victoria #biketoria Pandora Protected Bike Lane
professional recreationalist: ...does "Hoosier" translate to Asshole?
professional recreationalist: you can't park there
professional recreationalist: I'll flip you for it.
professional recreationalist: 5 Motor Vehicle Lanes not enough for BC Transit?
professional recreationalist: Old Lady Collides With Three Vehicles
professional recreationalist: Bird-Brain Watching: The Red Curb Jack-Off
professional recreationalist: I DON'T WANT TO DIE
professional recreationalist: $368.00 (way2narrow)
professional recreationalist: Dangerous pass, & another in the mirror.
professional recreationalist: Dangerous pass in quiet neighborhood.
professional recreationalist: Dangerous Old Bag
professional recreationalist: Hummer Bummer in the Bike Lane
professional recreationalist: "Stupid Cyclist" Slows Redneck
professional recreationalist: Pass on solid line in no pass zone, speeding with kids in car.
professional recreationalist: "Stupid Cyclist" Slows Lane-Swinging Twit
professional recreationalist: ...passing a cyclist on a curve
professional recreationalist: doesn't matter how wide the bike lanes are, if not even the police respect cyclist right-of-way
professional recreationalist: Good Neighbours should know how to share the road.
professional recreationalist: Keep Away From Children