Belltown: Red curb and storm drain - Seattle Center
Belltown: Red benches - Seattle Center
Belltown: Winter tree and EMP
Belltown: Winter tree and EMP
Belltown: Chittenden Locks
Belltown: Yellow curb and sculpture - Seattle Center
Belltown: Red white and blue
Belltown: Red brick building in Vancouver, B.C.
Belltown: Space Needle
Belltown: Beckoning Cistern
Belltown: Giant Edith Sitwell Bust
Belltown: The Voyage Out
Belltown: Decorative Cabbage
Belltown: Mystery bubbles
Belltown: Satellite Atom neon over the SpaceNeedle
Belltown: SpaceNeedle and Ferris Wheel
Belltown: Opening doors - building hope
Belltown: north meets south - two skies joined by edifice and artifice
Belltown: Red, yellow, black & white checkered trim.
Belltown: Passing on the right
Belltown: shadows of substance, layers of illusion
Belltown: arching emptiness
Belltown: construction site homage to Piet
Belltown: Undercurrents - nature and technology juxtaposed in shadow
Belltown: no one else seemed to notice the condo swallow the jet
Belltown: white blossoms blue wall dark shadow
Belltown: light blue dark blue white blossoms
Belltown: the right eye, out of context
Belltown: power to the people, ride on
Belltown: the cat chased the snake up the alley