Bruce Blanford: Blue Mountain IMG_0801 box 18
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0799 box 18
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0800 -Lost Constellations - box 18
Bruce Blanford: The Second Fish -IMG_0796 box 18
Bruce Blanford: The First Fish -IMG_0791 NA
Bruce Blanford: Drift -IMG_0784 box 15
Bruce Blanford: Dark Coast -IMG_0774 box 18
Bruce Blanford: Various Items and Two Souls --IMG_0770 box 17
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0762 box 13
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0761 box 13
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0746 box 13
Bruce Blanford: Autumn Leaves -IMG_0744 box 13
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0741 box 13
Bruce Blanford: What A Mess --IMG_0740 box 17
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0735 box 17
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0734 box 16
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0732 box 17
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0722 box 16
Bruce Blanford: img_0708 box 16
Bruce Blanford: img_0705 box 17
Bruce Blanford: img_0701 box 17
Bruce Blanford: img_0700 box 17
Bruce Blanford: img_0699 box 15
Bruce Blanford: img_0698 box 15
Bruce Blanford: img_0693 box 8 (in red group)
Bruce Blanford: img_0694 box 8
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0692 box 15
Bruce Blanford: img_0690 box 15
Bruce Blanford: img_0689 box 15
Bruce Blanford: IMG_0681 box 16