thelazydba: On the road again
thelazydba: On the road
thelazydba: Old school wind mill
thelazydba: Dabbin on the side of the road
thelazydba: Time for some giggles
thelazydba: Runnin and Dabbin
thelazydba: Dabs in motion
thelazydba: Have you hugged your road runner today?
thelazydba: Dabbin with Paisano Pete
thelazydba: Carter eats lunch alone
thelazydba: Dabbin outside of the Subway in Ft Stockton
thelazydba: Dabbin in Sepia tones
thelazydba: Early April in west Texas
thelazydba: House on Prude Ranch
thelazydba: Tribute to Big Spur Prude
thelazydba: Horses on Prude Ranch
thelazydba: Sleepy horses on Prude Ranch
thelazydba: Dabbin at the McDonald Observatory
thelazydba: View from McDonald Observatory
thelazydba: 82" Telescope at McDonald Observatory
thelazydba: Driving the HET telescope on a cushion of air
thelazydba: Dabbin outside the 82" telescope
thelazydba: Dabbin by the HET
thelazydba: Riding on a cushion of air
thelazydba: Inside the HET
thelazydba: Carter drives the HETDET
thelazydba: HET gets a new job
thelazydba: The little telescope that could
thelazydba: Gorgeous day in Fort Davis
thelazydba: Dabbin at the McDonald Observatory