Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3160 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: Sandhill Panorama1
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3141 fixed2
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3139 fixed 2
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3139 fixed 1
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3139 BW
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3138 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3138 BW
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3137 fixed 1
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3137 BW
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3102 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3098 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3095 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3093 fixed crop
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3091 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3057 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3055 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3053 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3037 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP3036 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP2997 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP2994 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP2992 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP2978 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP2973 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: IMGP2900 fixed
Bruce Woollatt: Church of the Immaculate Conception M'Chigeeng Manitoulin Island