Shutter Nutty: Dexter Win's Jess's Heart.
Shutter Nutty: Snow Day!!!!!!! Explored March 6th 2011
Shutter Nutty: Dexter our Baby.
Shutter Nutty: Dexter and Toby waiting for supper
Shutter Nutty: Dexter sitting on 'His' chair in the kitchen.
Shutter Nutty: Dexter the Gentleman and Boo the Little Lady. Explore Mar 13, 2011 #403
Shutter Nutty: Houston, we have lift off...
Shutter Nutty: Reflection
Shutter Nutty: Dexter and Toby playing ball
Shutter Nutty: Dexter-Dog-Day-Afternoon-waiting-for-the-burgers
Shutter Nutty: Lookin' Through the Fence.
Shutter Nutty: Daily Shoot: Dexter Doing Graffiti #ds367
Shutter Nutty: Thinkin' About Travelling Somewhere Warm... It's Cold Here in Canada Today!
Shutter Nutty: Boo (cat) and Dexter (dog) Best of Friends. #ds359
Shutter Nutty: Sad Puppy
Shutter Nutty: Daily Dog Challenge: Black and White.
Shutter Nutty: Daily Dog Challenge: Gaze Into the Lens Explore Dec 2, 2011 #345
Shutter Nutty: Dexter Gangster Style....
Shutter Nutty: The Outlaw Sparky McBarky Explore 18 December 2011
Shutter Nutty: Dexter proudly showing of 'His' chair.
Shutter Nutty: If only there was Miseltoe Dexter would give you a big sloppy dog kiss...
Shutter Nutty: Dexter Singing '... Santa Paws is coming tooo town..."
Shutter Nutty: Dexter Plays Scrabble.