Bruce Berman:
CLOSE UP - Kyle Warwick & VIP guests - great group shot Photo 7168.201
Bruce Berman:
Photo 7168.095 Mayor Menino, Susan Parks, Joe Fallon in front of Boston Harborfest banner
Bruce Berman:
Photo 7168.112 Great shot of the band
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event - great shot II
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event - great shot
Bruce Berman:
PHOTO 7168.094 Mayor Menino, Patty Foley, Joe Fallon in front of the Boston Harborfest banner
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 7 a
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 9
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 5
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 6
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 7
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 3 a - better exposure
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 3
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 4
Bruce Berman:
Guests participants with roll of RAFFLE TICKETS
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the EVENT 1
Bruce Berman:
Guests at the event 2
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 25 - with Bruce Berman
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 28
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 26 - Chet Curtis
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 24
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 22
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 23
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 18
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 20
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 21
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 19
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 14
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 15
Bruce Berman:
Guest shot 16