Bruce82: Meet up
Bruce82: Dinner on High Seas
Bruce82: Platinum Light crew
Bruce82: Mooring up
Bruce82: Taking the strain
Bruce82: South Seas crew
Bruce82: Berney Arms Drainage Mill
Bruce82: River Yare
Bruce82: Pay attention!!
Bruce82: Tacking
Bruce82: Tacking
Bruce82: Sailing away
Bruce82: I think we might be on the mud
Bruce82: Reedham swing bridge
Bruce82: The guys
Bruce82: The guys
Bruce82: The guys
Bruce82: Twitcher and Dodgipops
Bruce82: The motor boat crew
Bruce82: Cool shades
Bruce82: Train Spotting
Bruce82: Somerleyton
Bruce82: Platinum Light 1
Bruce82: Seven Seas crew
Bruce82: Dusk
Bruce82: Minor adjustment required
Bruce82: River Waveney
Bruce82: Arriving at The Fisherman's Bar
Bruce82: Kommidoor
Bruce82: Jaws!!