brentsky: 10001105_652641594842064_2047928752884539289_o
brentsky: Mirko Guerrini
brentsky: Shteeev.
brentsky: Mama, Papa bear and the cubs...
brentsky: 804044928547170393_57513720140908-25723-1rjs0nk
brentsky: Harrison, my best mate.
brentsky: A cold but beautiful start...
brentsky: #wefo #rsotg
brentsky: Tony.
brentsky: Borders, #footscray
brentsky: 792337544086956388_57513720140908-25723-umpjw6
brentsky: Sophie.
brentsky: 790480139820608005_57513720140908-25723-nfq9yb
brentsky: Housemate #6.
brentsky: #work
brentsky: #altona
brentsky: #wefo
brentsky: #wefo
brentsky: #footscray
brentsky: #melbourne
brentsky: Pipemakers Park, where boys become men...
brentsky: 784525993053399753_57513720140908-25723-2b12o8
brentsky: Sink holes errwhere
brentsky: #footscray
brentsky: #tradielyf
brentsky: Disection #southwarf
brentsky: I'm not great at putting words...
brentsky: #footscray
brentsky: #footscray.
brentsky: What's behind door number three....