Brave Heart: What the heck, the 5 sec. rule in in effect.
Brave Heart: Tip-Toes
Brave Heart: And the winner is.
Brave Heart: One does need a touch of color
Brave Heart: Looks cold for sure
Brave Heart: Shoes and Lids
Brave Heart: Sorry times up , the contest is closed.
Brave Heart: Looks good
Brave Heart: Don't everyone grab at once.
Brave Heart: Grab
Brave Heart: Light it up
Brave Heart: And Jack the Ripper began the first cut,
Brave Heart: OK, Here we go
Brave Heart: Feels kind if good
Brave Heart: Vic guts his own
Brave Heart: Heidi at work
Brave Heart: Is it worth it ?
Brave Heart: Dressed all up . and no pumpkin to carve.
Brave Heart: Nice Star
Brave Heart: Why am I here ?
Brave Heart: Handfull
Brave Heart: Jack loves his work, may even move to America.
Brave Heart: Ok now what ?
Brave Heart: Lets see , turn it on then..
Brave Heart: Red and Orange
Brave Heart: 5 ,6 now where was I again?
Brave Heart: Feet And Diet Pepsi
Brave Heart: I just love them all , I could cry.
Brave Heart: A slight break from the action
Brave Heart: What do I do ?