davidk36: onion
davidk36: sewer vent
davidk36: Bridge trusses
davidk36: Look out ALFRED!!!!!
davidk36: by and far my favorite human being
davidk36: the Wife
davidk36: he thinks he's "hot"
davidk36: town-center teenager
davidk36: some wierd tweens
davidk36: two kids, happy and full of gelato!
davidk36: Sunday afternoon with uncle Alfred....Fantastic!
davidk36: Uncle Alfred and a cool Shiner...nice!
davidk36: chain link
davidk36: pins
davidk36: some kid at lake Arlington
davidk36: the ducks are over there.
davidk36: Shell
davidk36: on the back porch with Alfred and a couple New Castle
davidk36: beer topper
davidk36: ahhhhhhh
davidk36: easy breezy
davidk36: Texas wind
davidk36: trash on the fence
davidk36: North Texas breeze
davidk36: Weeds in the wind
davidk36: She's a blowin!
davidk36: Breeze